Reservations and Fees

Reservation Classifications

HTSC不接受学术教学或学习课程的预订. 为了保持尽可能多的学生和院系的可用性, 本会将不接受在宴会厅及礼堂举办活动的要求.

新大教职员工可以通过STABLE平台预订空间 为了保持尽可能多的学生和院系的可用性, 本会将不接受在宴会厅及礼堂举办活动的要求.

Reservation Fees

All SMU faculty, 工作人员和客人将需要遵守大学的政策和程序,概述在 SMU University Policy Manual.

对于以新大学生为主的活动,不收取场地/空间租金, faculty or staff. 然而,任何与事件相关的“固定成本”,例如:劳动力、设备、技术租金等. will be charged for the event. 场馆将不负责以任何方式补贴活动费用.


Event Fees

Base Custodial Service
Ballroom - 1/3 Section A/V Use $150
Ballroom - 2/3 Sections A/V Use $250
Ballroom - 3/3 Sections A/V Use $350
Chamber A/V Use $100
Auditorium A/V Use $300
Meeting Room A/V Support $50
Gallery 1911 Video Boards $150
Gallery 1911 LED Wall $150
A/V Tech Fee
(assessed per event


Setup Fees (Ballroom/Gallery 1911 only)

Cocktail Reception Style
1-12 High-top tables $100
Banquet/Reception Style
1-10 60-inch Rounds $150
11-20 60-inch Rounds $250
21+ 60-inch Rounds $400
Fair/Expo Style
1-10 6 ft rectangle $200
11-20 6 ft rectangle $300
21+ 6 ft rectangle $400



Supplementary Billing  Fee
Excessive Custodial Needs (Spills, Trash, etc.)
 Damage to Property or Resources Assessed as required
Changes/Requests Within 72 Hours of Event
Reservation Outside of Normal Operating Hours
$150 + $10/hour Staffing Fee

Exceptions to this, regardless of SMU affiliation, include, but are not limited to:

  • SMU成员使用其预留特权为非SMU实体保留主主机空间, audience, or participant. See examples below:
    • Events for the general public
    • Corporate recruiting/advertising
    • Personal Party
    • National/Regional organization event
    • This fits under the broader SMU Event Policy
  • 一个活动不直接服务于当前新大的学生、教师或工作人员. See Examples:
    • Hosting a meeting or conference for your professional network
  • 与会者需支付入场费、茶点费或参与的任何部分费用.

Event Support Requests

对于需要支持服务的预订,必须在活动前至少五(5)个工作日在STABLE中填写室内活动支持请求. 需要室内活动支持请求的支持服务,包括但不限于, room setups, AV services, etc. 提前不到五(5)天提出的请求将产生额外费用.

Loss of Privileges and Other Fees


  • Damage to property or resources: fee dependent on damage
  • 使用后不清理,需要额外的保管服务
  • Failure to follow the guidelines outlined in this document
  • 未能将家具放回原来的位置和设置
  • 逾期申请场地或设备(2个工作日内)
  • 占位时间超过预定时间30分钟以上(包括清理工作):HTSC每小时收费(见价格表)
  • Space utilization outside normal operating hours
  • Support request/change < 72 hours prior to an event

These fees may be viewed under Reservation Rates above. 如未能按时付款,将失去HTSC预订特权.

Reservations with Speakers

新加坡管理大学的教职员工在举办包括演讲者在内的活动时必须遵守大学的政策和程序. Contact SMU Purchasing for more information.

Screening Movies

如果新大部门希望在会议或活动中举办电影放映, the appropriate rights must be purchased. 请注意,教育版权仅适用于学术、学分课程.

查看更多关于新大数字版权管理和版权法的信息. 许多新加坡管理大学的部门和组织购买电影版权 Swank, a licensing company.

Staff Presence/Security

Hughes-Trigg学生中心(HTSC)只允许在营业时间或HTSC工作人员的明确许可下使用. 只有在HTSC员工和/或SMU PD在场的情况下,才可以入住. Clients may be required to provide security for their event, HTSC可能要求安保工作由新大警察局协调. Clients are responsible for the cost of security. 如果您的活动需要安全保障,HTSC工作人员将与您联系. 在正常时间以外预订将收取费用.

Making Changes to Your Event Reservation

要调整日期或时间,请通过STABLE的“我的预订”图标访问您的预订. 选择您想要更改的预订并进行所需的编辑.

如果您需要任何与设备,视听需求,设置等相关的编辑., you must also e-mail those changes to and provide your reservation number. 如果没有通过电子邮件发送这些更改,则这些更改可能不会应用于您的预订.

Cancelling Reservations


Phone: 214-768-4400

Inclement Weather Location

如果您预订的是恶劣天气的备用地点, 一定要包括所有的细节,如果你的活动是在室内进行. You must notify 不迟于您最终选择的场地(室内或室外)前2个工作日. If you do not communicate your decision by the deadline, 我们将假设活动将在内部使用您的HTSC预订, and associated fees will be applied.

Food and Beverage

Catering Information

所有的餐盘或自助餐必须由新大餐饮,新大的官方餐饮服务商提供. 新大餐饮活动经理可以协助所有计划需求, including food and beverages, staffing, tables, chairs, linens, flowers, etc. Contact SMU Catering at 214-768-2368 or Select the “catering” link from the menu on the left. 运送和领取必须提前与新大活动经理安排.

Casual Catering

Casual catering includes box lunches and grab-n-go setups. View a list of SMU Preferred Casual Catering Vendors. 这份餐饮承销商名单不应用于镀盘或自助餐.

新大休闲餐饮“盒饭”的独家供应商已经延长了特殊价格,并为大学订单提供优惠. 请查看新大休闲餐饮“盒饭”供应商名单以获取详细联系信息. 有关具体价格和提供的项目的补充信息,可通过联系新大采购处获得

由您或我们首选供应商名单中的供应商提供的预包装和开放式容器食品, must follow the SMU Food Safety Program. Please review carefully.