
The SMU-in-陶斯 校园 serves as a complement to the Dallas 校园. 陶斯, 学生 can benefit from learning in a different environment beyond the 传统课堂. 这个独特的校园和它的新墨西哥州北部 resources provides an excellent environment for cultivating creativity and 真实的经历.


SMU-in-陶斯 is a residential program, which is enhanced by the living-learning environment. Every aspect of our 校园 environment is intended to facilitate and foster personal and academic growth. 学生必须住在新大陶斯校区, pay full room and board for that term and abide by all 校园 policies. All 学生 will pay flat rates for both room and board each term. 这个数额是根据学期的长短而定的.

学生 will be assigned to housing based on their enrollment date, with 半私人的小屋 assigned first unless the student specifically requests to be placed in a Group Casita. 所有学生都应该期望与其他学生共享一个房间. Linens are provided to all 学生 staying 在校园 including a pillow, 表, 羊毛围巾, 和毛巾. Off 校园 housing will only be considered under extenuating circumstances and must be approved by the Executive Director.

学生 are not allowed to have any drugs or alcohol 在校园 (including in personal vehicles). Violation of this policy may result in a student conduct violation.


校园里有三种类型的学生宿舍. 大多数学生将住在casita(西班牙语“小房子”)里。. All student casitas have shared bathrooms and common living/study areas with a fireplace. Every student will have either a closet or drawers and a space to study. Most casitas house a maximum of 9 学生 and are single-sex only. 唯一的例外是卡西塔·克莱门茨. Clements can house up to 19 学生 and can be co-ed since there are separate male and female bathroom facilities. 卧室永远不会是男女混合的. 所有学期均提供床单.

  • Entire casita is shared with up to nine 学生 of the same sex
  • 带壁炉的公共起居/学习区
  • 半私人的浴室
  • 公用卧室,有四套双层床和一张双人床
  • Drawers with ability to lock for personal items (please bring lock)

  • Individual bedrooms are shared with up to three 学生 of the same sex
  • 带壁炉的公共起居/学习区
  • 半私人的浴室
  • Three Semi-private bedrooms with one set of bunk beds and one twin in each
  • 每个房间都有壁橱和抽屉

如果该选项可用, 学生 participating in the field school experience can choose to stay in a tent. 将提供帐篷.



  • 米勒校园中心
  • 图书馆有计算机实验室和免费打印
  • 洗衣设施
  • 无线网络
  • Fitness options: indoor gym, as well as basketball/volleyball/tennis courts
  • 通往自然景观的小径
  • 教堂
  • Vans for Transportation for Walmart runs, field trips, and organized off-site events


  • 陶斯新大的学生们聚集在冬日的天空下

    “校园太棒了, and I especially liked the housing arrangements of living in a small casita of 2-3 rooms with 1-2 roommates along with the dining hall filled with snacks and a lot of yummy food.”


  • 三个SMU-in-陶斯的学生穿着滑雪装备

    "The experience is unlike anything you can get 在校园 and classes are honestly more fun. The mountain views are gorgeous and there is so much to explore."

    Tryg Aanenson是2023年1月24届的学生 

  • SMU-in-陶斯 学生 gather at the base of a frozen waterfall in 陶斯, NM.

    “伯格温堡校区拥有你需要的所有资源 要想成功,包括帮助你的非常好的员工 充分利用你在那里的时间.”

    玛丽昂·邓拉普出席了会议 2023年5月

  • 新大陶斯校区的学生

    “在陶斯生活太有趣了! 我的小屋庆祝了三岁 在那里过生日,所以我们度过了一段美好的时光 以及新大校园周围.”


  • 陶斯新大校友卡森·耶格尔

    “达拉斯生活的所有舒适与美丽结合在一起 风景和山间空气使陶斯的生活非常愉快.”




学生 enrolled in courses at SMU-in-陶斯 are required to pay board 就这个学期而言. 伙食费包括整个学期的所有餐费 beginning with dinner on arrival day and ending with breakfast on 离开一天. 整个学期将提供三顿热餐 daily and 学生 will have unlimited access to snacks and beverages. Our kitchen staff works very hard to accommodate allergies and dietary 尽可能限制. 如果你有任何过敏或饮食 restrictions, please make sure to indicate this prior to your arrival in 陶斯.


  • “这里的食物太棒了,餐厅很快就成了我的 最喜欢的校园场所.”


  • “Another plus is the food, it is so good (the kitchen staff is super 非常友好,我很想念他们).”

    纳塔莉亚 Albores于2019年1月在陶斯就读

  • “我很享受吃饭时间,这样我就可以和新管理大学的同学坐在一起 学生.”


  • “这里的食物太好吃了——我们吃了美味的甜点 每天,最后是野炊! 事实上,那是最好的食物 我在新大吃过的最好吃的.”

    艾拉羽衣甘蓝, 2023年5月入学



所有校园访客必须由在校生陪同 在任何时候. 白天的游客必须到堡垒办公室登记 车辆,以便保安知道他们可以上 校园. 只有注册的学生才允许留在学校, 因此,学生宿舍不允许过夜访客.

来自新大学生手册: “客人的定义是任何 住在居民房间的非居民. 非本地居民的客人 宿舍的学生必须随时由宿舍的住客陪同 客人要拜访谁. 居民负责 客人的行为,包括任何社区标准 违反或破坏公物. 在任何时候,居民都有权 学习、睡眠或隐私优先于 探视.”


不准宠物进入新大陶斯校区. Any 学生 wishing to bring a service animal or emotional support animal (ESA) must receive permission from the SMU-in-陶斯 Executive 在任何动物到达校园之前. 新大陶斯分校办公室 will work with SMU DASS to determine whether or not a service animal or ESA meets the requirements necessary to be in University housing. Should a service animal or ESA be approved, the student will need to sign an agreement and follow all University policies regarding animals 在校园. 欲了解更多信息,请访问DASS网站.


设计与自然环境相结合, 米勒校园中心包括威廉P. 克莱门茨,小. 大会堂 outdoor views from large windows on three sides and a stone fireplace for chilly 陶斯晚上.

学生 study on the steps of the Miller Center at SMU-in-陶斯.
学生 work out on treadmills at the the Miller Center at SMU-in-陶斯 gym.
学生 roast marshmallows over a campfire in the snow at SMU-in-陶斯.
学生 watch football in a common room inside the Miller Center at SMU-in-陶斯

Seminar rooms, a fitness center, media room and a large gathering space are included in the Center, which is surrounded on three sides by 有盖的环绕门廊. 除了内部空间,米勒 校园中心包括广场、入口和深门廊 为讲座、讨论和反思提供室外空间.

An outdoor plaza connects the facility to the 校园 dining hall, 礼堂,教堂和教室空间.



学校有一个专职图书管理员来帮助学生 研究问题和任何其他图书管理员的需求.


There is an on-staff chaplain staff member who provides services on-校园 and organized engaging student programming.



现场有一名工作人员 from the SMU 警察局 who is available for emergencies, conduct, 问题等.

The SMU-in-陶斯 校园 offers several clearly marked hiking trails.

A group of SMU-in-陶斯 学生 take a break during a field trip into town.


协调员整个期间都在新大陶斯校区 duration to supervise Resident Assistants, handles conduct issues and/or 突发事件,营造温馨的校园氛围.



  • 新大陶斯分校的学生在新墨西哥州的夕阳下创作艺术.


    会很有趣的 scheduled evening events ranging from movie nights, arts and crafts 活动,卡拉ok之夜,桌游之夜.

  • 学生们在新大陶斯的排球场玩耍.


    There are sports facilities available to use including an indoor gym, tennis courts, volleyball courts, basketball courts, and bikes to rent.

  • SMU-in-陶斯 student Ella Collard reaches overhead with one arm in front of a mountain lake in 陶斯, 新墨西哥.

    “We had movie and game nights (almost every night), s’more nights 看星星,做手工,去城里旅行. 每个人的关系都很好 在陶斯的新大,那里的环境非常轻松.”

    艾拉羽衣甘蓝, 2023年5月